Intermodal TerminalČD-DUSS&Terminal a.s. offers the transhipment of all ISO maritime containers, swap bodies andsemi-trailers of manipulated. National rail connections not only in relation to combined transport lines.
Public prices of ČD-DUSS Terminál,a.s 2024
The rates are for handling and storage of 20´, 30´, 40´, 45´ ISO-containers, swap bodies, trailers
Handling of containers and swap bodies 20´ – 45´ 41,00 EUR
Handling of trailers 41,00 EUR
Storage: stackable units 1st-2th day, including the day of arrival / departure ……….. no charge
3th and the next day ………………………………………………………… 2,40 EUR / day/ TEU
Storage ADR /RID ……………………………………………………………… 3,60 EUR / day/ TEU
Storage: non stackable units …. the day of arrival / departure ……. no charge
the next day ……………………………………………………………………….. 9,00 EUR/ day/ TEU
Storage ADR /RID ……………………………………………………………… 13,00 EUR/ day
In the case of full storage capacity on the main area of the terminal, it is possible to agree the shunting of semi-trailers to other parking areas. These operations are charged in the amount of 20 EUR – 25 EUR depending on the location of parking spaces.
Notice: Units must be booked before arrival at gate.
Containers to be picked up only with valid reference number.